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「軟體開發/程式設計/智慧綠能課程主題館」 同步招生中 !!
在資訊化時代,資訊機房(Data Center)已是每個企業不可缺少的重要單位,一旦機房或相關的IT服務出問題,對客戶造成的傷害將是即時且顯而易見,甚至造成難以估計的業務損失,由此可見得資訊機房對現今企業的重要性!因此「如何設計、維護和營運一個高可用性、高效率的資訊機房」也就成為企業能否於激烈競爭中脫穎而出、避免造成意外損失的重要關鍵。
由EPI (Enterprise Products Integration)開發的Data Center系列認證,是國際上極具權威性的資訊機房領域專業認證,提供從基礎到高階、技術到管理,完整的資訊機房人員認證架構,也被許多國際性的大型企業視作資料機房專業人才之訓練發展與能力評估的標竿。其中,CDCP (Certified Data Centre Professional) 是系列認證的基礎,透過兩天扎實的訓練課程,可讓參訓學員瞭解資訊機房的關鍵組成要素,除指導學員如何建立與改善資訊機房的電源、冷卻、安全、佈線等重要面向、確保資訊機房的高可用性外,並指引學員關於機房營運與維護的相關知識,以成為與國際接軌的資訊機房專業人才。
CDCP認證之於Data Center人員,就如同ITIL認證之於IT服務管理人員,未來可能是必備的專業認證,但由於過去國內較少開辦相關課程,要取得相關認證者常常需專程飛到國外,讓許多有志者因成本過高而卻步。有鑑於此,資展國際特與EPI合作,開辦「CDCP資訊機房管理國際認證班」,以培訓國際化的資訊機房管理專業人才。目前全球已有約20,000人取得CDCP認證,但台灣僅有百餘人取得,足見此證照在台灣的稀有性與取得證照的高度價值,而資展國際正式引進CDCP課程後,已培訓近百位新科CDCP資訊機房管理師,成效卓著。
課程單元 | 課程內容 |
Importance and causes for downtime | ¨ The Data Centre, its Importance and causes for downtime |
Standards and Best Practices | ¨ Data Centre Standards and Best Practices |
Data Centre Location, Building and Construction | ¨ Selecting appropriate sites and buildings and how to avoid pitfalls
¨ Various components of an effective data centre and supporting facilities setup |
Raised Floor/Suspended Ceiling | ¨ Applicable standards
¨ Uniform, concentrated and rolling load definitions ¨ Signal Reference Grid, grounding of racks ¨ Disability act and regulations ¨ Suspended ceiling usage and requirements |
Light | ¨ Standards
¨ Light fixtures types and placement ¨ Emergency light, EPS |
Power infrastructure | ¨ Power infrastructure layout from generation to rack level
¨ ATS and STS systems ¨ Redundancy levels and techniques ¨ Three phase and single phase usage ¨ Power distribution option within the computer room ¨ Power cabling versus bus bar trunking ¨ Bonding versus grounding, isolation transformers and Common Mode Noise ¨ Form factors and IP-protection grades ¨ Power quality guidelines ¨ Real power versus apparent power ¨ How to size and calculate load in the Data Centre ¨ Generators ¨ Static and dynamic UPS systems and criteria to use the correct one for the correct application ¨ Battery types and making the right selection and testing ¨ Thermo-graphics |
Electro Magnetic Fields | ¨ Sources of EMF
¨ Electrical fields and magnetic fields definitions ¨ Effects of EMF on human health and equipment ¨ TEMPEST and (H)EMP ¨ Standards ¨ EMF shielding solutions |
Cooling infrastructure | ¨ Cooling trends and requirements for the current and future set-up
¨ Cooling units and conversion rates ¨ Sensible and latent heat definitions ¨ Difference between comfort and precision cooling and its impact on energy efficiency ¨ Overview of different air conditioner techniques ¨ Techniques to increase effectiveness and efficiency of cooling in the computer room ¨ High density cooling techniques and common mistakes |
Water Supply | ¨ Importance of water supply and application areas
¨ Backup water supply techniques |
Designing a Scalable Network Infrastructure | ¨ Cabling hierarchy
¨ Cable characteristics ¨ Determining connectivity requirements ¨ Network redundancy ¨ Building-to-building connectivity ¨ Recommended installation practices ¨ Testing and verifying structured cabling ¨ Network monitoring system requirements |
Fire Suppression | ¨ Standards for ‑re suppression
¨ Detection systems ¨ Various ‑re suppression techniques and systems, their benefits and disadvantages ¨ Signage and safety ¨ Regulatory requirements and best practices ¨ How to ensure that your ‑re suppression is working |
Data Centre Monitoring | ¨ Data Centre monitoring requirements
¨ EMS versus BMS ¨ Water leak detection systems ¨ Notification options and considerations |
Operational Security and Safety Practices | ¨ Data Centre security layers
¨ Physical, infrastructure and organizational security ¨ Safety measures and essential signage |
Labelling | ¨ Choosing a labelling scheme
¨ Recommended labelling practices ¨ Network labelling |
Documentation | ¨ How to setup proper documentation
¨ Document management policies and procedures |
Cleaning | ¨ Cleaning practices for the Data Centre |
MTBF / MTTR | ¨ Standards and definitions
¨ Calculation models ¨ The ‘real’ value |
Maintenance | ¨ Maintenance Contracts / SLA / OLA |
模擬考試 | ¨ Mock Exam |
正式認證考試 | ¨ EXAM: Certified Data Centre Professional |
在課程結束後,學員將取得參加CDCP認證考試的資格。CDCP考試時間為一小時,close book考試,在40題選擇題中答對27題以上者可通過考試,並獲得由EPI正式頒發的CDCP國際認證。該證書有效期為3年,之後需要再參加新版課程及考試,以維持CDCP的認證資格。(考試將於第二天課程結束後將直接進行認證考試)
台北市復興南路一段390號2樓 MAP
台北 : 台北市復興南路一段390號2、3樓
桃園 : 桃園市中壢區新生路二段421號 (聖德基督學院)
台中 : 台中市南屯區公益路二段51號18樓
高雄 : 高雄市中正四路211號8樓之1
※客服專線 : (02) 6631-6588、(02) 6631-6581
- 以信用卡支付者 : 確定開班後會寄發訂單連結,請於指定繳費期限內完成線上刷卡
- 以ATM匯款支付者 : 確定開班後會寄發繳費帳號,請於指定繳費期限內完成繳費
1)團報優惠 : 2-3人團報可打95折、4人(以上)團報可打9折優惠 (團報優惠與早鳥優惠可一併使用)
1)已完成報名與繳費之學員,課程主辦單位將於開課三天前以E-mail方式寄發上課通知函;若課程因故取消或延期,亦將以E-mail方式通知,如未收到任何通知 ,敬請來電確認。
2)已完成繳費之學員如欲取消報名,請於實際上課日前以信件通知業務承辦人,主辦單位將退還90% 課程費用。
台北市復興南路一段390號2樓 MAP